Roads Commission
The Roads Commission oversees the maintenance of the roads throughout the District. They conduct research, work with District employees, and ultimately make recommendations to the Board on how to best maintain the roads within the District.
Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm at the CSCD Office.
Group Members
Emily Bruns
Board Member
Greg Harper
Eric Vonhoven
Dave Jarrett
Greg Harper
Larry Trueblood

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is responsible for culverts and ditches?
The CSCD will make reasonable efforts to keep roadside drainage ditches cleaned. The CSCD will also keep all catch basins and culverts that CROSS CSCD ROADS cleared.
Freeholders are responsible for their own driveway culverts and to make reasonable efforts to keep property frontage ditches clean and flowing. Leaves should never be blown into drainage ditches.
The CSCD is NOT responsible for any damages that occur from storms or runoff from roads or ditches.
Who is responsible for mailbox rows?
The mailbox rows were built by volunteers from around the District in conjunction with the CSLOA many years ago. Freeholders are ultimately responsible for their own mailbox and are urged to work with neighbors to maintain the mailbox rows. The CSCD is NOT responsible for the mailbox rows.
When will my gravel road be paved?
There are no plans to pave every gravel road in the District. The Roads Commission, in conjunction with the Conservancy Manager/ Superintendent, creates road plans and budgets each year. There are many factors that go into the decision on whether to pave a gravel road including # of Freeholders, distance, slope, and existing drainage. In the past Freeholders have gathered money with their neighbors to get their own roads paved. If that is the case, that still needs to be approved by the Roads Commission to insure that proper specs are met.