Water Rates & Policies

The CSCD purchases its treated, potable water from Prince's Lakes Water Utility. The water is purchased at the Brown County/ Johnson County line and pumped up Nineveh Road to the distribution system and to the two water tanks owned and operated by the CSCD. We employ a Water Superintendent and water operator that are licensed through the State of Indiana to operate our distribution system. 

Listed below, you will find the Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District's current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. 

The CSCD charges a monthly minimum even if the water is shut off at the meter. The CSCD incurs overhead expenses to maintain a water connection to your meter including staff, equipment, and water loss expenses.


Monthly Meter Consumption     # of Gallons                       Current Rate (before tax)            

Minimum                                           (up to 2,000)                                     $ 29.33

First                                                  3,000 Gallons                                    14.68/thousand gallons

Next                                                  12,000 Gallons                                  13.29/thousand gallon

Next                                                  15,000 Gallons                                  12.06/thousand gallons

Next                                                  20,000 Gallons                                  10.79/thousand gallons

Next                                                  50,000 Gallons                                   9.13/thousand gallons

Average Residential Bill                    (4,000 Gallons)                                  $ 58.69


Fire Protection Service & Other Charges :

New Service Connection $1,500.00
Road Bore Fee Current Cost from Contractor
Meter Deposit  $137.00
Disconnect/Reconnect Fee $55.00
Fire Hydrant Fee (Per Hydrant) $1,038.20





Contact Info

Judy Surface
Water Clerk